Carob Products
Carob has a long history in human consumption. The first Mesopotamian writings mention them as a source for juices and sweets and compliments their culinary versatility. The oldest of them is “Gilgamesh Epic”, one of the earliest known literary writings. The father of Botany, the Greek philosopher Theophrastus mentioned in his writings the carob as the Egyptian Fig. There is also evidence that Ancient Egyptians used carob, both the pods and seeds have been found in Egyptian Tombs. Further, the Romans ate the Carob pods when they were green and fresh for their natural sweetness. Thus, Carob is no newly discovered food. Carob pods are high in natural sugars (sucrose, fructose and glucose), the syrup was used, along with honey as sweeteners of those ancient times before the industrialization of sugar beet or cane. The syrup was used as a remedy against diarrhea and problems caused by starvation (modern studies have confirmed the validity of ancient statements). It is considered a natural source of calcium-calcium contents is 3 times higher than that of milk. It is also rich in iron, phosphorus and natural fibers.